What options does PowerPoint support on the command-line?

PowerPoint supports the following commands on the command-line:

Command-Line option Description
"<FileName>" Full path to the file that is understood by PowerPoint.
Example: PowerPnt.exe "C:\Presentations\SevenWonders.ppt"
/n "<FileName>" Create a new file with the specified file name at the specified path.
Example: PowerPnt.exe /n "C:\Presentations\Q4Sales.ppt"
/s "<FileName>" Start the slide show with the specified presentation file.
Example: PowerPnt.exe /s "C:\Presentations\SalesProjections.ppt"
/p "<FileName>" Print the presentation to the default printer. This would bring up the print dialog.
Example: PowerPnt.exe /p "C:\Presentations\SalesProjections.ppt"
/pt <PrinterName> "" "" "<FileName>" Print the presentation to the specified printer. This will not bring up the print dialog. The PrinterName is the name of the printer as it appears in the Windows' Start | Settings | Printers.
Example: PowerPnt.exe /pt "HP LaserJet" "" "" "C:\Presentations\SevenWonders.ppt"
/m "<FileName>" <MacroName> Open the presentation file specified in FileName and run the macro specified in MacroName in it.
Example: PowerPnt.exe /m "C:\Presentations\SevenWonders.ppt" HelloWorld
/c Start PowerPoint with no presentation.
Example: PowerPnt.exe /c
/b Start PowerPoint with a blank presentation.
Example: PowerPnt.exe /b
/o "<FileName1>" "<FileName2>" Start PowerPoint with a list of presentations to open.
Example: PowerPnt.exe /o "C:\Presentations\SevenWonders.ppt" "C:\Presentations\Q4Sales.ppt"

The following are some of the advanced commands that can be given to PowerPoint on the command-line. Use them with caution.

Command-Line option Description
/regserver Register PowerPoint with the operating system. Look at MSKB 291893 and MSKB 237700 for more information.
/restore Restore PowerPoint to a state before it terminated abruptly. With this option, PowerPoint also attempts to recover presentations.
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